Monday, September 15, 2008

when do I get my break?

When I left my interview Friday morning I was told I would receive an email over the weekend as a practice to see my work on Excel spreadsheets. I did not receive that email... I was also told I would receive a phone call about a second interview. As I sit here waiting for the phone to ring I think, what if they don't call me back? I was looking at jobs yesterday and there just isn't anything I am interested in or can even afford to work for... Disney wants you to work for $7.24 an hour. C'mon, that wouldn't even give me the gas money to get back and forth to work! How can I sell myself when I thought I had given the interview of a lifetime? Why is there always someone that seems better than me or someone they don't want to take a chance on. It's all because I just moved here. People are afraid that I won't stay here. Well damnit I'm not the type of person that when the going gets tough i get going... I am here for the long haul.
Sorry I just needed to vent... I really want that phone call to come and I have been praying on it... Maybe I'm just not good enough........

Thursday, September 11, 2008

We will never forget

I just wanted to reflect on the tragic disaster that happened 7 years ago today. We will never forget the events of that dreadful morning. I pray for the families that were forever changed and I hope they are finding some sense of peace in knowing that their loved ones are watching over them from above. I pray for the soldiers that are still fighting for us today. I also pray for their families, that they find the strength to continue on in everyday life as best as they can and that their loved ones are returned to them safe and unharmed.

On that note... things are looking bright around here (except for the lots of thunderstorms over the past couple of days.) I had an interview last evening for an office assistant position with Acme Enterprises. They specialize in T.V. and Audio repair parts. I would be in charge of responding to inquiries, preparing orders, shipping them, and keeping track of inventory and bookkeeping and secretarial duties. It was interesting! The "office" was about 2x2 and had 3 desks crammed in amongst all the merchandise. They smoke inside there too! EW! How bizarre! They don't offer health benefits at this time either. If I get the job offer that would be my last resort. I am getting quite sick of not working! haha

I have another job interview tomorrow morning at Full Sail University. this position would be the manager of the school store. Not exactly my first choice but definately interesting enough! I would be in charge of the employees, sales transactions, inventory, deliveries... a true big girl job :-D I really hope it goes well. The current manager is finding someone to replace her when she leaves and she said that she was impressed by my cover letter and resume when she called! So I think that is a GREAT start :-D

I am going to go back to my movie now. Get to relax after cleaning the apartment!! Bed early for this girl! Have a great night :) Check ya later!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

It's been busy!!

So I finally got a bed :-D No more sleeping on an air mattress for this chick. No sir no way :) I got a bed and I LOVE it. I haven't slept this well in a long time!!
I also bought a Canon Rebel EOS G 35 mm camera and am in LOVE with it!! Tj and I went touring and took black and white photos and I cannot wait to get them developed.

One of the friends that we met here just moved back to VT :( He has been living here for 4 years in different apartments with different people. His current living situation took a drastic turn and he got kicked out of his place. We told him he could stay with us for the weekend but we couldn't let him live with us. TJ has started school and needs to focus and I am still on the job hunt! We are trying to get ourselves settled in and acclimated. We can't just move someone in! Also, our landlords would not be impressed I'm sure! So he decided to move back to to near Newport,VT!

My brother's birthday is in 2 weeks and I have been searching EVERYWHERE to find him a Teacup Yorkie! We are dying for a puppy but do not have hardly any money to spend on getting one. Wouldn't you know I would get the run around from every Tom, Dick, and Harry telling me they have them for cheap but I just have to send them $200 and they will ship it to me from Cameroon. WTF is Cameroon?! You freaking advertised that the damn puppy was in Orlando. Go figure they aren't! Well, unless I want to spend $1000-$1500 on one! Um SORRY, no thanks. I will keep looking, something will come about eventually. It would just be nice to have a pet to give our love to and fill our home with more joy than it has now. We are starting to get a little homesick and we would love something to cuddle :)

Anywho, I think I am going to go make a pizza for dinner and then go for a swim at the pool :) Maybe i'll even go for a run at the gym, since we FINALLY found it :)
Talk to you later people!!

I miss you all

Thursday, August 28, 2008

R.I.P. Grammy 8-26-2006

I just realized what the date was today... 2 years ago today we lost my Grammy. She was an amazing person that I have so many memories with. Eating the "knuckle" of a lobster and being hooked, the large purse full of life savers to keep us quiet in church, her amazing cooking skills (including macaroni and cheese!! MmMmM), the way she used to try to get us to eat new foods (mmm mmm mmm - anyone in my family will get that), her knitting especially our slippers, "acid reflux" lol, and always having and reapplying her lipstick!

When she had her stroke 5 years ago she was never the same. Though she always thought of us and we knew she loved us. When she had another stroke 2 years later she was in the hospital and she had stored her breakfast (cereal pack) in her tray so she could give it to my brother! She couldn't talk well (not much at all) but she knew those were hiss favorite and wanted to make sure he got them! Then 2 weeks later she had a fatal stroke, though she lingered lifeless in the hospital. We used to go and talk to her and keep her company and even though the nurses and doctors said it was impossible , she knew we were there. My grandmother always found bodily functions amusing and one day we were in her room and my brother said something about passing gas and Grammy laughed! We know she did but the employees said we were just trying to hold onto her. Well no kidding!

I feel badly about the fact that I am not in VT so I can go visit her. I miss her so much but I know that she is here with me and helping me through my life. Thanks Grammy you'll always be in my heart. I miss you and love you with all my heart.

Your gentle face and patient smile
With sadness we recall.
You had a kindly word for each
and died beloved by all.

The voice is mute and
stilled the heart,
That loved us well and true.
Ah, bitter was the trial part
from one so good as you.

You are not forgotten, loved one,
nor will you ever be.
as long as life and memory last,
we will remeber thee.

We miss you now our hearts are sore,
as time goes by we miss you more.
Your loving smile, your gentle face,
no one can take your vacant place.

R.I.P. :'(

Learning to blog

This is new and interesting to me! Usually I'm not an open book when it comes to my life or thoughts, but what the heck? Everything in my life is new so why not try to make the best of it and fix myself too? And hey, it gives me something to do! Instead of job hunt, cook or clean!!

This time last week I was saying goodbye to the love of my life, i.e. the hardest thing I've had to do in a long time. I will see him in December but that seems like light years away. He is so supportive and accepting of this huge decision to move. I am so very lucky to have him! Wow, how ironic is this... "You say it best when you say nothing at all" just started playing on my computer...this is the first song we ever danced to...Just listening to this song puts me right back in the moment. I would kill to be able to wrap my arms around him and hold him.

A week ago was not only saying goodbyes it was about new beginnings. TJ and I set out on our adventure to Florida. We began driving at 12pm on August 21, 2008. He was in his car and I was in mine and I followed him the whole way. We had walkie talkies in each car so we could talk to whole way. The BEST idea EVER!! (thanks Fran and Ira) We stopped in Hershey,PA and at South of the Border, both were very neat.

We finally reached the Florida border at about 10am on August 22,2008 (we drove ALL night) I saw the first sunrise of my life! Already an adventure of firsts. As soon as we hit Florida we hit hurricane Fay head on! In all her fury we crawled along roads with speed limits of 70. We could not see the hoods of our cars, let alone cars in front of us! Trees were nearly bent to the ground and there were tornado warnings! Then they became the real thing. We kept hearing names of towns that TWO tornadoes had touched down in and where they were heading. Wouldn't you know they were saying the names of towns as we were seeing signs for them! Talk about feeling like you're in the middle of the Twister movie! It was thrilling and definately kept us alert since we were SICK of driving!!! We FINALLY reached our Apartment Leasing Office at 4pm August 22, 2008 (you got it 28 hours of driving). As we pulled into the complex, TJ loses his steering in his car! OH MAN!!! We bought power steering fluid only to find that was already full! THANK GOD THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN ON 95 or on Route 4 (Which is NOTHING like the Route 4 in VT)! He was able to drive it to the apartment and he hasn't been feeling well so I brought him to the doctor and found out he has mono! Poor kid, what else can go wrong?! lol We got his car towed to a mechanic and found out it was a belt that fell off!! What are the chances of it not falling off until we got here? After 1800 (roughly) miles!! Someone wanted us to make it here safely and was watching over us!

So this week has been busy with unpacking and settling in. We got our living room furniture in yesterday and it looks GREAT! Things are really coming together, now I just have to find a job! Liberty Mutual contacted me for an interview, so I have one tomorrow morning at 10. I was told it was a management position, so I am intrigued to see what they have to offer. :crosses fingers:

I will end here and will blog later. I should go get some more things and get my room organized! I can't sleep in it yet without a bed but I can certainly keep it clean so as to not get any critters!! EW! Thanks for visiting :) Stop by again, ya hear? ;)